Hackney Lullabies
Every night under Hackney skies, mothers from faraway lands create a familiar space for their children by singing them lullabies, the same ones they heard as children. The film enters the intimate space between mother and child, and explores the dilemma she faces in sharing her sense of home with a child who is rooted in another country and culture. Do the lullabies bring them closer together, or accentuate the difference between them?
#Foreigners #Relationship / Love #Alienation #Upbringing #Family #Women #Birth #Society #Globalization #Childhood #Migration
Festivals & Awards:
Berlinale Talent Campus – Deutschland, 2011 - Berlin Today Award
Exground Filmfest – Deutschland, 2011
interfilm International Short Film Festival Berlin – Deutschland, 2011
Bamberger Kurzfilmtage – Deutschland, 2012