Autumn 2021. Oliwia's home in the forest between Poland and Belarus has become a highly militarized exclusion zone. Every night, she leaves food and water in her garden for the refugees who are trying to make it through the woods. She hasn't met anyone yet - until Hamid appears in front of her window. Her decision to help him entangles her in a tragic struggle with a system that outlaws humanity.
#BIPOC #escape #Europe #Human Rights #Neighborhood #Country Life #Forest #Fear
Festivals & Awards:
Bamberger Kurzfilmtage 2024
Filmschau Baden-Württemberg 2023
exground filmfest Wiesbaden 2023 - 3. Platz Deutscher Kurzfilm-Wettbewerb
INTERFILM Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Berlin 2023 - 1st prize Human Rights Award "Confrontations"
PROYECTA Certamen Internacional de Créacion Audivisual Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera 2023 - 1st Prize Fiction Category
Biberacher Filmfestspiele 2023
Alter-Native Short Film Festival Targu-Mures 2023
Evolution! Mallorca International Film Festival 2023
Edimotion Festival für Filmschnitt und Montagekunst 2023
Filmfest Weiterstadt 2023
Los Angeles BAFTA Student Film Awards 2023
filmreif! - Das Bundesfestival junger Film 2023 - Preis für einen besonderen gesellschaftlich relevanten Film & Preis für eine besondere schauspielerische Leistung (Barbara Wysocka)
Festival de Cine de Huesca 2023
Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival 2023
& more