Peix al Forn
Baked Fish
What happens if there is so much plastic waste floating in the oceans that the fish disappear? An ironic dystopian vision of the future.
Part of the following short film programs
For the sake of the environment
Festivals & Awards:
Mostra “El dia més curt de l’any” Spain, 2018
Fascurt, Spain, 2019
Babul Eco Film Fest, India, 2019
Fescigu, Spain, 2019
Festival de Cine: Infancia y Adolescencia, Colombia, 2019
SpudFilm: WASTED - Environmental Films, UK, 2019 - Award: Over 18 Award; People Choice Award
Galapán Film Festival, Spain, 2019
Zinetxiki Zinemaldia - Festival Internacional de Cine Infantil y Juvenil, Spain, 2019
Rural Film Fest, Spain, 2019
Gastro Film Fest, Croatia, 2019
Festival Internacional de Cine Infantil Ojo al Piojo, Argentina, 2019
Foradcamp - Mostra de Cinema amb la Natura, Spain, 2019
Festival de Cine de Madrid (PNR), Spain, 2019 - Award: Cine Molón: Cine para niños y jóvenes
EKOFILM, Czech Republic, 2019
CineEco Seia, Portugal, 2019
Cibo Corto Festival De Due Mari, Italy, 2019
Interfilm Berlin, Germany, 2019
FICMA, Spain, 2019
FICBE, Spain, 2019
Certamen Internacional de Cine de Cabra, Spain, 2019