Anne Isensee // Germany // 2020 // 05:00 min
Animation // Drama, Comedy
Normally, you would drink a bottle of wine with your friends or family. Assuming you drink at all. But during the Corona confinement, nothing is normal. So a young animator drinks the bottle [...]
Juan Pablo Zaramella // Argentina // 2011 // 01:00 min
Animation // Comedy
An original and particular moving night at the opera.
Quentin Haberham // Netherlands // 2022 // 05:09 min
Animation // Comedy
When a wealthy lady with a passion for topiary has to trade in her villa with a lush garden for a tiny council apartment, she finds it hard to cope with her new neighbor and his strange [...]
Paul Scholten // Germany // 2018 // 11:31 min
Documentary // Grotesqueness
Life in Neuperlach, a Munich suburb, is quaint. It is an safe neighborhood, where people know and greet each other. Everybody has their own backyard; single car garages are lining the narrow [...]
Rolf Hellat // Switzerland // 2009 // 01:35 min
Live Action // Comedy
The senior citizen's orchestra rehearses a really extreme piece...
Jörgen Scholtens // Netherlands // 2019 // 07:23 min
Live Action // Comedy
Inside a cuckoo clock lives a lonely man. Every hour he is catapulted out of his tiny house to yell ‘Cuckoo!’
Damaris Zielke // Germany // 2022 // 07:00 min
Animation, Children Film // Coming of Age, Comedy
Its so boring at Grandmas house. But when grandma falls asleep on the sofa Greta gets the idea to play play funeral with her grandma. This confronts the two of them with some questions that [...]
Samuel Patthey, Silvain Monney // Switzerland // 2020 // 15:00 min
Animation, Documentary // Drama
In a hidden place, the daily routine of a retirement home unfolds as time seems to stand still. The penciled residents come to life on paper. Some are active, others rest or follow a fixed [...]
Fabian Busch // Germany // 2009 // 12:15 min
Live Action // Drama
Since his wife died two years ago, Edgar has been alone. His life has been left without purpose. One day, he leaves his house, determined to find a job. But the saleswoman in the store is not [...]
Daan Velsink, Joost Lieuwma // Netherlands // 2016 // 02:50 min
Animation, Live Action // Comedy, Dance Film
In a typical fifties diner a gangly teenager tries to rock'n'roll with the prettiest girl on the dancefloor, but is opposed by an importunate cool dude and a stammering jukebox.
Nicolas Fattouh // Libanon, Qatar, Germany // 2020 // 09:55 min
Animation // Drama, Tragedy
Grandmother loses her five senses one after the other until she transforms into a wooden chair. Throughout her transformation, she realizes that her housekeeper is not the wild animal she [...]
Alexander Gratzer // Austria, Hungary // 2022 // 08:09 min
Animation // Coming of Age, Drama, Comedy
A little mole regularly visits his blind grandpa. The seasons change, both grow older and important questions arise
Gary Fouchy, Jeremy Guerrieri, Paul Jaulmes, Nicolas Leroy, Leslie Martin, Maud Sertour, Alexandre Toufaili // France // 2010 // 04:25 min
Animation // Comedy
A modest and quiet inventor?s retirement is disturbed when an important gentleman seeks to profit from his Gyro Gearloose talents to become a billionaire.
Kevin Biele // Germany // 2023 // 21:10 min
Live Action // Drama
After a long absence, Silvia returns to her office job at a pharmaceutical company, only to find that she is no longer in the system. Searching for meaningful tasks, Silvia is confronted by [...]
Jonatan Etzler // Sweden // 2016 // 12:00 min
Fantasy, Comedy
Anita and Gunnar live a slow and steady retired life. But when Anita makes a wish to be visited by a young and virile show host from TV, the couple is suddenly faced with a new perspective on [...]
Julien Becqer, Éléna Dupresoir, Jules Durand, Viviane Guimarães, Inès Scheiber // France // 2017 // 04:40 min
Animation // Drama
Louis a retired man resists the overprotection of his daughter Nina to keep his independence.
Ieva Javaityte // Lithuania // 2011 // 02:52 min
An old elegant lady is shopping in a supermarket. In her face ? not even a trace of tiredness or anger, just a suspi- ciousness of the routine shopper. It seems that the old lady really takes [...]
Michael Reichert // Germany // 2008 // 03:55 min
Computer Animation // Drama, Comedy
As the name implies, the one minute fly has got a very limited lifespan. It wants to experience everything that makes life worth living in one minute.
Sophie Linnenbaum // Germany // 2017 // 15:00 min
Live Action // Drama
Bodo is standing on the top of a roof and ready to jump, when suddenly his phone is ringing. It's Evi, telling Bodo he won a prize in a competition he never took part in. While Bodo tries to [...]
Florent Hill // France // 2018 // 04:14 min
Children Film, Live Action // Comedy
The whole family is annoyed by Grandma's soup-slurping. Fortunately her grandson is hugely inventive.
Victor Velasco // USA // 2020 // 04:34 min
Live Action // Drama
A grumpy businessman walks to work on a Monday morning when he's stopped by a junkie-like kid who asks him: "Do you want some soup?".
Martin Smatana // Czech Republic, Slovakia // 2019 // 13:10 min
Animation, Children Film // Drama
A little boy likes to visit his grandpa and go kite-flying with him. But as the seasons change, grandpa seems to change too.
Jamille van Wijngaarden // Netherlands // 2018 // 11:00 min
Live Action // Comedy
When mother Marit wants to discuss the behavior of her son during a parent-teacher conference, teacher Yvonne can’t repress her pent-up feelings anymore. A murderous comedy with finger paint. [...]
Dina Velikovskaya // Germany, Russian Federation // 2019 // 07:36 min
Animation // Coming of Age, Drama
There is a strong connection between parents and their child. A young woman leaves the parental home to see the world. But the world of her parents is so tightly connected with her that by [...]
Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol // France // 2015 // 05:50 min
Animation // Comedy, Whodunit
Mo and Carl, two burglars, release dozens of cats into the streets of a neighbourhood and start the dogs barking. They use the din to their advantage and dig up a bag full of loot hidden in an [...]