Florian Brauch, Matthieu Pujol, Kim Tailhades, Yohan Thireau, Romain Thirion // France // 2017 // 06:22 min
Animation // Fantasy
When marine wildlife has to adapt to the pollution surrounding it, the rules of survival change...
Nikki Schuster // Germany // 2015 // 05:15 min
Experimental Film // Art Film
The MS Stubnitz is an 80 meters long historic vessel, built in 1964 at the Volkswerft Stralsund for the East-German fishing industries. From 1992 the MS Stubnitz was transformed into a moving [...]
Guillem Miró // Spain // 2019 // 04:05 min
Animation // satire
What happens if there is so much plastic waste floating in the oceans that the fish disappear? An ironic dystopian vision of the future.
Line Klungseth Johansen, Vegard Dahle // Norway // 2022 // 19:40 min
Live Action // Drama
John lives with his boyfriend Benjamin in a flooded apartment building. As the water continues to rise, John begins to suspect that Benjamin intends to leave him. However, instead of [...]
Máté Boegi // Denmark // 2023 // 16:25 min
Live Action // Drama
When a sound-recordist brings his girlfriend on a trip to the Danish west coast to record atmospheres, he picks up a disturbing sound that begins to torment his conscience.
Pat Herford // Australia // 2009 // 08:20 min
Coming of Age, Comedy
A remote Australian coastal area becomes the scene of an obscure contest.
Philipp Yuryev // Russian Federation // 2008 // 07:30 min
Live Action // Drama
A blind man takes a swim in a lake and leaves a radio on the shore as an orientation aid.
Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust // Switzerland // 2023 // 08:30 min
Animation, Children Film // Comedy
In fantastic formations, herring roam the vastness of the sea. When seagulls suddenly attack the school, a small herring finds itself alone in a tidal pool. Looking for a way out, he discovers [...]