Nicolas Deveaux // France // 2012 // 05:23 min
Animation // Comedy
Auch Giraffen betreiben Turmspringen! Und zwar mit Grazie!
Jessica Dürwald // Germany // 2020 // 04:11 min
Animation, Children Film // Music Movie
What does the daily routine of a Berlin celebrity look like? In this funny music video, the self-proclaimed star, Antoine the swan, shows you.
Mauro Carraro // France, Switzerland // 2014 // 05:26 min
Animation // Music Movie
The figure of a cellist rises slowly from the water, conjuring the sunrise with a melody. An all-encompassing choreography begins, at its end, a new day.
Rudolf Fitzgerald Leonard // Germany // 2022 // 16:19 min
Live Action // Coming of Age, Drama
During water therapy for his chronic spasms, Leon is involved in an incident that gradually disrupts all aspects of his life.
Leon Vidmar // Slovenia // 2016 // 05:51 min
Computer Animation // Coming of Age, Drama
Lovro is remembering the day he caught his first fish with his grandfather. Memory and reality merge into one.
Joana Vogdt // Germany // 2020 // 17:13 min
Live Action // Drama, Comedy, satire
1980, the German-German borderlands: Right through the middle of a lake runs a precisely defined "fluid border" between East- and West Germany. One night a storm shifts one of the buoys which [...]
Edmunds Jansons // Latvia // 2021 // 05:30 min
Animation // satire
A natural disaster interferes with the honour guard ritual. Only one of the guards, seemingly pointlessly, chooses to remain in his post.
Ignas Meilūnas // Lithuania // 2024 // 12:24 min
Animation, Children Film // Comedy
In a winter wonderland two friends are having a blast ice-skating on a frozen lake when suddenly a strange and unfamiliar world cracks open underneath them. Now they must learn how to deal [...]
Florian Brauch, Matthieu Pujol, Kim Tailhades, Yohan Thireau, Romain Thirion // France // 2017 // 06:22 min
Animation // Fantasy
When marine wildlife has to adapt to the pollution surrounding it, the rules of survival change...
Mattias Löw // Sweden // 2011 // 02:41 min
Documentary // Installation, Performance
A short story about three men, a couple of chain saws, one snow mobile, some bystanders and lots of ice ...
Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk // Netherlands // 2020 // 02:20 min
Animation, Children Film // Comedy
It's not always easy to keep your home looking tidy and clean - even if you have eight arms!
Solène Bosseboeuf, Flore Dechorgnat, Tiphaine Klein, Auguste Lefort, Antoine Rossi // France // 2021 // 06:11 min
Animation // Comedy
On a peaceful summer day, a dad takes his baby son on a kayak day trip. Between the challenges of a first river outing and the baby’s whims the father will not have a relaxing day, especially [...]
Markus Kempken // Germany // 2008 // 02:30 min
Animation, Children Film // Grotesqueness
Three men in the rain. Which of them will get wet?
Line Klungseth Johansen, Vegard Dahle // Norway // 2022 // 19:40 min
Live Action // Drama
John lives with his boyfriend Benjamin in a flooded apartment building. As the water continues to rise, John begins to suspect that Benjamin intends to leave him. However, instead of [...]
Milan Baulard Ismail Berrahma, Flore Dupont, Laurie Estampes, Quentin Nory, Hugo Potin // France // 2019 // 06:47 min
Animation // Drama
On a lake, a heron is fishing while winter arrives.
Aike Arndt // Germany // 2007 // 08:40 min
Animation // Tragedy
As everyone knows, after dying, we all first end up in hell. But before the old ferryman Charon takes us across the river Styx, we first have to relieve ourselves of our worldy goods and pay [...]
Bill Plympton // USA // 2011 // 02:00 min
Animation // Grotesqueness, Comedy
A man about to go swimming imagines what horrors could be lurking deep in in the waters of his backyard pool.
Jens Rosemann // Germany // 2021 // 03:33 min
Animation // Comedy
It's a beautiful summer’s day at the outdoor swimming pool. Sven has been planning this for a long time: He is going to jump off the diving tower. Today he is going to do it! Now is a perfect [...]
Bill Plympton // USA // 2011 // 01:00 min
Animation // Grotesqueness, Comedy
Waiting for her sailor to return home, a woman on a cliff watches closely as a ship approaches.
Lauriane Montpert, Marianne Bergeonneau, Elvira Taussac, Cloé Peyrebrune, Mélina Mandon // France // 2021 // 06:00 min
Animation // Comedy
During a thrilling massage, a lady is going to seduce her masseur. Through different rooms of a thermal cure, a seduction game would take place. A maze of sensation, flesh and steam which lead [...]