J.C. Oliveira // Brasilien // 2018 // 10:25 min
interfilm 2019
Spontaneous dance moves coupled with contagious smiles can be all you need to achieve unimagined viral success.
Khris Cembe // Spanien, Frankreich // 2018 // 12:30 min
interfilm 2019
Every night a boy watches his father unloading a cargo of contraband tobacco. But that night it’s not tobacco.
Juan Martinez Vera // Venezuela, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Mexiko // 2016 // 19:00 min
interfilm 2019
The communications app Spark helps Venezuelan students protest against the government. During a battle with the police Oscar disappears.
Diana Cam Van Nguyen // Tschechische Republik // 2018 // 10:00 min
interfilm 2019
The experiential and emotional worlds of young people who have lost their parents are approached through animation and reality – and brought together in their separation.
Roman Polański // Polen // 1961 // 10:23 min
interfilm 2019
In a snow-covered winter landscape, two men on a sleigh are left to their own devices.
Sebastien Petretti // Belgien // 2017 // 05:34 min
interfilm 2019 interfilm 2021
This is the story of two young guys without any trouble who just want to « screw » without being disturbed.« State of Emergency motherfucker» is a surrealistic comedy that depicts a society where police violence and invasion of privacy are daily routine, normal, tedious.
Jolanta Bankowska // Polen // 2019 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2019
Social media were supposed to bring us all closer together. Instead, they isolate us and cause the world around us to disappear. That doesn’t always go well.
Carlos Garcia de Dios // Spanien, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2019 // 04:40 min
interfilm 2019
Throw all conventions overboard, live your life by your own rules! But what if a short moment in the subway changes everything again?
Irene Moray // Spanien // 2019 // 22:20 min
interfilm 2019
Barbara and Pol spend a few days on holiday with a group of friends in a house surrounded by nature. They want to have a good time and find a peaceful space where they can enjoy their intimacy.
Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis // Frankreich // 2018 // 21:00 min
interfilm 2019
SWAT units violently surprise unsuspecting online gamers, while the Internet watches it all play out live – in a treacherous prank known as “swatting”.
Wojciech Hoffman // Polen // 2018 // 07:00 min
interfilm 2019
It is hard to find time to be together when the sedate houses are separated by the chaos of hectic traffic.
Kari Klyve-Skaug // Norwegen // 2018 // 14:47 min
interfilm 2019
Zahra and her family hope for asylum in Norway. The twelve-year-old girl from Afghanistan dearly wishes to be able to cycle to school, but there are considerable hurdles to be overcome.
Maria Hinterkoerner // Österreich // 2018 // 12:00 min
interfilm 2019
Synthia is the perfect machine. But when the sense of irony is missing, her determination can be fatal.
Gerard Vidal Cortés // Spanien // 2018 // 10:25 min
interfilm 2019
As the captain of a Moroccan smuggler boat, Tariq has doubts whether his journey towards Europe will end happily. He’s putting his own life on the line.
Liza Mortimer // Großbritannien // 2018 // 03:23 min
interfilm 2019
In 1969 the BBC dedicated a documentary to the Roma of England. Its quotations still reverberate 50 years later.
Polish National School Film in Lodz // Polen // 2018 // 05:22 min
interfilm 2019
People get closer in tango. They stir up desire and envy and negotiate conflicts in the entwined rhythmic movements.
Andrea Schneider // Schweiz // 2018 // 03:50 min
interfilm 2019
A love story, interrupted by a robbery, told by 10 directors.
Gilles Porte // Frankreich // 2017 // 30:00 min
interfilm 2019Drama
September 2017. The French president would like to convince the Olympic Committee to pick Paris as the location for the next summer games. Alas, the wish to stay in power, familial setbacks, and corruption among the organizers combine to make talks and resolutions difficult. Following 25 distinct paths, viewers can experience the hesitations of a president first hand and lead him to five different goals from their cinema seats using an app on their cell phones. With each passing minute, decisions must be made that could even trigger a war in the worst-case scenario.
Following this interactive experience, the psychological dimensions of participation and decision making within groups will be explored in a discussion featuring media scholar Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer / University Potsdam and Dr. Stefan Hampl / Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
Farhad Delaram // Iran // 2019 // 15:00 min
interfilm 2019
During a visit to a government office, questions about a woman’s scar coalesce into a nightmarish bureaucratic posse intent on chipping away at female self-determination.
Tessa Was // Polen // 2018 // 03:27 min
interfilm 2019
Simple ink drawings become wild dances of bodies and limbs. They change between sexes and become stuck in transformation.
Rebecca Figenschau // Norwegen // 2019 // 16:50 min
interfilm 2019
A dysfunctional family is struggling to put up a complicated tent. The tension is forcing an underlying conflict to the surface - and finally a shocking secret is revealed.
Lorenzo Recio // Frankreich // 2019 // 20:00 min
interfilm 2019
You cannot step into the same river twice. During a heat wave, Jeanne climbs out of the water as a different and yet all too familiar person entirely.
Aitzol Aramaio // Spanien // 2002 // 11:23 min
interfilm 2019
A bus driver broods over the fact that the junkie he used to see regularly has disappeared.