Thomas Renoldner // Österreich // 2018 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2019
An easy sentence is distorted beyond recognition using simple tricks, pushing repetition to the limit.
Guille Isa // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Peru, Kolumbien // 2018 // 10:30 min
interfilm 2019
Dulce refuses to learn to swim. But she lives in the Iscuandé region of Colombia, where people depend on boats and are at risk of drowning due to frequent flooding.
Roman Polański // Polen // 1958 // 14:16 min
interfilm 2019
Two men, a wardrobe, their way through town and a lot of incidents.
Arman Grigoryan // Deutschland // 2018 // 11:30 min
interfilm 2019
In the Reichstag building politics is discussed. Far below is another world: Ingo and Mario lead through their workplace, the Berlin sewage system.
Vuk Mitevski // Nordmazedonien, Belgien // 2019 // 11:00 min
interfilm 2019
Streams of refugees cross through Macedonia on their way to Western Europe. The turbulent journey gives rise to love, suffering, and reflection.
Joost Reijmers // Niederlande // 2011 // 09:00 min
interfilm 2019
Sometimes small mistakes lead to catastrophe years down the line. The end of Amsterdam began centuries ago.
Martina Scarpelli // Dänemark, Frankreich // 2018 // 12:00 min
interfilm 2019
A woman alone in her room. In the struggle against an egg - in the struggle against herself.
Gerd Conradt // Deutschland // 1987 // 10:00 min
interfilm 2019
A historical film with a children's song: One day at the death strip separating East and West Berlin. 12 hours of everyday insanity in stop motion...
Günter Jordan // Deutschland // 1982 // 14:00 min
interfilm 2019
"...and just be myself for once". It's the year 1982 and teenagers hang around at Helmholtz Platz in Prenzlauer Berg. A film that was banned in East Germany for many years.
Marion Kellmann // Deutschland // 2019 // 11:27 min
interfilm 2019
They awake in fright, fall prey to hysteria, and then pass out. Silent film husbands look on helplessly and full of fear at their silent film wives.
Clara Roquet // Spanien // 2015 // 14:00 min
interfilm 2019
A Bolivian maid attempts to honor her late mistress's last wishes.
Andrea Dargenio // Argentinien // 2019 // 14:00 min
interfilm 2019
Suddenly all the water has vanished and no one seems to notice. A lone caretaker attempts to explain the situation to his fellow humans.
Ángel Torres // Spanien // 2019 // 09:00 min
interfilm 2019
A witch that is observing from the apartment across the street and a story no child should ever hear.
Lumen Nguyen // Deutschland // 2018 // 06:40 min
interfilm 2019
As a trans person, Eli describes thoughts about his gender identity, his relationship to his own voice and to outside perception.
Benjamin Rost // Deutschland, Frankreich // 2018 // 09:00 min
interfilm 2019
Ella's moving. After more than 40 years she is forced to leave her apartment. But she only realizes how difficult it is to say goodbye when a young family comes to see some of the furniture for sale.
Kristian Håskjold // Dänemark // 2018 // 19:00 min
interfilm 2019
Every evening baker Erik calls the radio show “Joker of the Week” to tell his lame jokes. All contact to his family has long since disappeared, just like his sense of reality.
Pierre-Louis Umdenstock // Frankreich // 2019 // 06:00 min
interfilm 2019
Every day, Géraldine has to evaluate countless applications for asylum. Stories of incredible hardship cross her desk, but, alas, not all of their protagonists are permitted to remain in the present.
Mónica Santos // Portugal, Frankreich // 2018 // 13:25 min
interfilm 2019
An unremarkable bank employee, a missing heart, a shady private eye, a city in shadow – Film Noir lives on!
Borja Cobeaga // Spanien // 2005 // 16:00 min
interfilm 2019
When his wife leaves him, Joaquín has no choice but to get his mother-in-law out of the retirement home to do the housework.
Dennis Todorovic // Deutschland // 2018 // 07:30 min
interfilm 2019
Hey guys! Have you always wanted to be able to fake-cry like really really well? Then you’re going to want to stick around for this tutorial! <3
Anjali Nayar // Kanada // 2018 // 07:45 min
interfilm 2019
The record: The longest ride on a singlespeed bicycle within a country. The cyclist: A Rwandan-Canadian DJ. The route: The icy cold of the Arctic.
Stefan Schabenbeck // Polen // 1967 // 07:30 min
interfilm 2019
A man tries to fight a world of numbers and geometry to change his own destiny.
Scott Calonico // Deutschland, England // 2018 // 10:50 min
interfilm 2019
Everyone knows the feeling of seeing lousy explanatory documentaries at school. But this childbirth documentary is not only wonderfully terrible, it also includes an unexpected making-of.