Joanna Nelson // Venezuela // 2018 // 15:00 min
interfilm 2019
Roberto cares for his unemployed mother and himself. They run into a conflict when she insists that he buys flour for her birthday cake.
Helga Hagen // Deutschland // 2019 // 05:30 min
interfilm 2019
Human creativity brings robots closer to perfection. Three chapters tell of machine tasks and human exploitation.
Steve Sullivan // Wales // 2000 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2019
Between contagion and mass hysteria: On an orderly housing estate, men start behaving ecstatically. They start a revolt against mediocrity.
Roberto Carlos Lang // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2018 // 04:30 min
interfilm 2019
Political protest unfolds in calm light, in excessive nature and quiet twilight.
Santiago Cardelús Ruiz-Alberdi // Spanien // 2018 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2019
An average guy driving his car comes across a woman being assaulted. He is torn between his instinct to ignore the scene and drive on, or sum up his courage and become a hero.
Becs Arahanga // Neuseeland // 2019 // 17:40 min
interfilm 2019Fiction
New Zealand 400 years ago. Hinekura's transformation from child to woman and warrior is accompanied by sacred rituals.
Alma Buddecke, Marleen Valin // Deutschland // 2019 // 07:40 min
interfilm 2019 interfilm 2022Video Art
Is there a more significant relationship than the one between a girl and her vulva?
Chia-Jen Tsai // Taiwan // 2019 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2019
People usually don’t put much attention to old news. When the next incident occurs, the focus will soon shift.
The unscrupulous company was revealed to manufacture foods with tainted ingredients. Thus, the public protested to the company and comprehensive boycott their goods.
National Taipei University of Business - Taipei
Frederic Doazan // Frankreich // 2019 // 06:25 min
interfilm 2019
Without forming sentences, letters are melded into an all-encompassing story that unfolds beyond the page’s edge.
Magdalena Kvasničková // Tschechische Republik // 2017 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2019
Hypnagogia is a short animated abstract movie, which depicts state of falling asleep.
Andrew Fitzgerald // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2017 // 15:00 min
interfilm 2019
A young woman incurs the wrath of the internet after she inadvertently becomes a viral sensation.
François Vautier // Frankreich // 2017 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2019
A journey in a 3D space reflecting visionary writer Arthur C. Clarke’s futuristic predictions. His features quickly dematerialize into a multitude of shimmering pixels, creating an enveloping and immersive space out of which the thoughts of the famed author of 2001: A Space Odyssey emerge.
Rugile Kaladyte // Schweiz, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2018 // 14:40 min
interfilm 2019An endurance race of extremes: 1,000 kilometres, 30,000 metres of altitude difference in the Swiss Alps. Only one woman made it, nobody in less than 5 days. Lael wants to top both.
Fernando Martín Borlán // Spanien // 2019 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2019
Against a backdrop of vanishing masses of ice, impermanence and the arbitrary nature of borders and national claims are examined.
Anne Isensee // Deutschland // 2019 // 02:00 min
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“You can’t always get what you want...” sang the Rolling Stones once upon a time, though they consistently proved the opposite. A young woman wants a whole lot too. Being heard would be pretty nice for starters.
Steve Moss // Kosovo // 2018 // 06:50 min
interfilm 2019
Technology has a hard time imitating true intimacy. Even the perfect likeness of one’s own wife turns out to be a less then ideal alternative.
Marta Pajek // Polen // 2018 // 12:00 min
interfilm 2019
Encounters between two strangers become subsumed by the details of touch. The body eludes our grasp. A game of masks played by skin and hair.
Jonas Eisenschmidt // Griechenland, Deutschland // 2016 // 13:21 min
interfilm 2019
A Greek family runs a flourishing convenience store on the island of Lesvos. Their only customers are newly arrived refugees fleeing the war zones of the Middle East.
Lukas Marxt // Österreich, Deutschland // 2018 // 14:00 min
interfilm 2019
An der US-Grenze zu Mexiko liegt das Imperial Valley als Naturgewalt und technische Zähmung. Die Folgen dieses radikalen Eingriffs sind schon jetzt erkennbar.
Mariam Al-Dhubhani // Jemen, Katar // 2019 // 14:15 min
interfilm 2019
The war in Yemen left Ali’s hometown of Aden four years ago, but the city is still struggling with the aftermath of the conflict.
Lucia Bulgheroni // Kosovo // 2018 // 08:40 min
interfilm 2019
Stop-motion animation breathes life into figures. However, Katrine also develops an awareness of the artificial in her surroundings and her own inner world.
Patrick Fileti // Australien, Mexiko // 2019 // 15:50 min
interfilm 2019
For the inhabitants of Tultepec, fireworks are more than mere entertainment. Tradition, everyday existence, and the philosophy of life are all enmeshed in the art and craft of pyrotechnics.
Maria Teixeira // Deutschland // 2019 // 05:15 min
interfilm 2019
Terminating a pregnancy is among the most difficult and controversial decisions that one can make. A woman tells of doubt and convictions.