Chang Yeol Cho // Republik Korea // 2006 // 12:40 min
interfilm 2007Jin Chol has been living in the isolated mountain hut for 15 years, trying to forget. But every night he's still visited by the same nightmare.
Laila Khan // England // 2014 // 07:00 min
KUKI 2014Short Fiction
Chotu works as a tea boy in Mumbai's poorest slum, Dharavi. His greatest wish is to go to school.
Sergei Ryabov // Russische Föderation // 2018 // 02:53 min
KUKI 2018Comedy, Musical
Long train journeys can be so much fun, especially when you have a board game and a nice companion! Except of course if your opponent has an annoying winning streak...
Isamu Hirabayashi // Frankreich, Japan // 2011 // 07:25 min
interfilm 2014Animation
A cricket's lifespan between two nuclear catastrophes.
Nicolas Deveaux // Frankreich // 2008 // 02:28 min
interfilm 2019 interfilm 2022 interfilm 2021
Acrobatic arts of an elephant on a trampoline.
Nacho Vigalondo // Spanien // 2003 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2008 interfilm 2004One morning a woman notices something strange at her usual breakfast café: Waiters and customers are frozen in silence, and they all look unhappy. Out of the blue, a song begins ...
Nacho Vigalondo // Spanien // 2003 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2019
One morning a woman notices something strange at her usual breakfast café: Waiters and customers are frozen in silence, and they all look unhappy. Out of the blue, a song begins.
David Freymond // Frankreich // 2010 // 03:18 min
interfilm 2010Music Video Clip
Ishtiaque Zico // Bangladesch // 2010 // 05:10 min
interfilm 2010Experimental, Short Fiction
The Earth turns underneath the camera. People and their relationships undergo change. History passes. Time appears as a fleeting reflection.
Gio Korkashvili // Deutschland // 2014 // 29:59 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
Robert lives in a world composed of mystifying unemployment office measures and wants only one thing: Sleep.
Yorgos Zois // Griechenland // 2017 // 11:00 min
interfilm 2018
Left over from countless unfortunate trips overseas is a new continent on which there is no life with the exception of a single worker.
Shane Acker // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2004 // 10:50 min
interfilm 2005 interfilm 2016After the death of its mentor, "5´", the ragdoll "9" takes up the battle against the soul-stealing mechanical beast which has terrorized her people for generations.
Floor van der Meulen, Thomas Vroege, Issa Touma // Syrien // 2015 // 12:50 min
interfilm 2016August 2012: Syrian photographer Issa Touma observes men piling up sandbags on the street below. For nine days, he films the beginning of the Syrian uprising from his apartment.
Anders Walter // Dänemark // 2013 // 16:00 min
KUKI 2013Short Fiction
Daniel's mother is in a coma. He feels convinced that he can keep her alive by setting a new record in long jump. In doing so, he puts his own life at risk.
Ulrich Berthold, sandra dollo // Deutschland // 2011 // 04:30 min
interfilm 2012Animation, Experimental, Music Video Clip, Computeranimation
we felt the need to develop new approaches in both visual expression and rhythmic control. we use a 2d/3d-digital, stop-motion like technique, where each frame is composed like a collage, out of photos, drawings and text. we worked 5 weeks on this musicvideo - finnished in september 2011 in berlin. the video is made for amit, a london based drum and bass artist - it was released together with his new album on commercial suicide (label)
Lyonel Charmette // Frankreich // 2015 // 13:00 min
interfilm 2016An inquisitive shepherd taking a surreal cable car ride inspects each of the cabins, meeting the inhabitants of this strange dwelling.
Louis Aubert // Frankreich // 2017 // 15:00 min
KUKI 2017Djal wishes he could run as fast as his hero Usain Bolt and trains hard everyday – in spite of his father’s warnings about flunking school.
// // 2015 // 21:00 min
A real German waits for the green light before crossing the street. This isn't fiction but fact. So what do you do when the light won't change?
Detsky Graffam // Deutschland // 2015 // 21:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
A real German waits for the green light before crossing the street. This isn't fiction but fact. So what do you do when the light won't change?
Jerry Hoffmann // Deutschland // 2020 // 14:25 min
KUKI 2020Coming of Age
Jean slides ever deeper into anorexia, or as he would call it: the awesome feeling of absolute self-control. But then Lili enters his life.
Timothy Yeung // Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, China // 2014 // 18:30 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2016Short Fiction
Li Jans first day in Hong Kong sends her to the darkest streets of the red light district. By means of prostitution, she hopes to earn money for her family.
Mirza Odabaşı // Deutschland // 2013 // 33:24 min
interfilm 2023Documentary
A journey through time between 1993 and 2013, from the attack in Solingen to the NSU's self-disclosure. With a personal analysis by the director in conversation with people he met on his journey, such as Michel Friedman (author, philosopher), Fatih Çevikkollu (cabaret artist), Cem Özdemir (politician), Mevlüde Genç (survivor of Solingen), Afrob (rapper) and many others.
[CW: racism, racist murders]