Nicole Goethem // Niederlande // 1985 // 07:00 min
interfilm 2023
A whimiscal look at the difficulty in holding together a Greek temple, when one of the holders is different.
Boyoung Kim // Dänemark, Republik Korea // 2021 // 14:40 min
interfilm 2022Comedy, Environmental, Fantasy, Human Rights, Identity, Migration, Work
In a world where you can rent everything you need from huge vending machines, a girl dreams of being a guitarist – alas, fate has other plans for her.
// // 2014 // 20:00 min
An aging swim coach gets a diagnosis that demands he refrain from all athletic activity. Easier said than done for a former Olympic champion.
Dávid Géczy // Ungarn // 2014 // 20:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
An aging swim coach gets a diagnosis that demands he refrain from all athletic activity. Easier said than done for a former Olympic champion.
Steve Sullivan // Wales // 2000 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2004Between contagion and mass hysteria: On an orderly housing estate, men have attacks of ecstacy, starting a revolt against mediocrity.
Steve Sullivan // Wales // 2000 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2020
Zwischen Ansteckung und Massenwahn: In der heilen Welt einer Wohnsiedlung beginnen die Männer, sich ekstatisch zu benehmen. Sie ziehen los als Revolte wider die Mittelmäßigkeit.
Richard Misek // Norwegen // 2022 // 18:20 min
interfilm 2023
Apollo 11, the fall of the wall, 9/11 – the world was there. Thanks to Getty, one of the biggest picture agencies. How much power do images have? How much do they shape our views?
Péter Lichter, Bori Máté // Ungarn // 2019 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2021
How is horror generated in cinema? Old footage is fragmented and played back in an abstract and creative way, creating an inexorable pull towards unfathomable abysses.
Jonathan Blair // Schottland // 2009 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2010Animation
A despairing poet's anger culminates in an unexpected encounter with the sun. Or: ###An extraordinary adventure which befell Vladimir Mayakowsky in a summer cottage###.
Ding Zheng // China // 2012 // 12:39 min
interfilm 2013Short Fiction
An actor gets an opportunity to prove what he can really do.
Stephen Vuillemin // Frankreich // 2023 // 16:00 min
interfilm 2023Old age, Video Art
A website with your name exists, you click on it. There you find animated sequences, created using your profile photos, transformed into new stories. Things with personal significance to you appear in the videos. Creepy?
Petra Szőcs // Ungarn // 2014 // 14:00 min
interfilm 2021
Three kids re-enact the trial and execution of Nicolae Ceaușescu. When one child tells another that the she doesn't have a mother, her world comes crashing down.
Nadine Buss // Frankreich // 2005 // 08:20 min
interfilm 2006It was rare that Germans took refuge in France after the Liberation. The German accent his father cannot hide betrays his origin, making things difficult for one boy.
Jean Lecointre // Frankreich // 2020 // 08:40 min
KUKI 2020
In the most stylish kingdom in the world, no one wants to be ridiculed for being out of fashion. The arrival of a cowboy changes everything.
Kristof Deak // Ungarn // 2018 // 19:43 min
interfilm 2018Choreography, , , Comedy
If machines are going to replace people in their jobs, then they have to resort to creative means in order
to prevent it from happening.
Noémi Varga // Ungarn // 2017 // 15:00 min
interfilm 2021
An experimental documentary and chronicle about the life of a grandmother in communist Hungary, which serves as a reminder of times past and how socialism colonized the soul of an entire generation.
A. Karavaev // Russische Föderation // 1971 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2009
The film was made in reaction to ###revanchism### - the fear that Germany would reunite and seek revenge on Europe and the USSR for World War II.
Carlos Avalone // Brasilien // 2013 // 01:30 min
KUKI 2014Animation
Frogs eat dragonflies. But that's not always as easy as it sounds!
Caitlin Robinson // Taiwan // 2016 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2016In a world governed by technology and social conflict, a woman looks beneath the surface.
Stefan Leuchtenberg, Martin Wallner // Deutschland // 2010 // 14:30 min
interfilm 2010Animation
After the unexpected death of his father, a young man hopes to learn how to cope with his loss by venturing out on a powerful emotional journey through time and space.