Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre // Kanada // 2014 // 13:30 min
interfilm 2014Animation, Documentary
An animated portrait of the Quebec filmmaker Claude Jutra.
Thomas Fourniret // Frankreich // 2013 // 04:30 min
interfilm 2014Animation
On a lonely road trip through California, a highly unusual hitchhiker suddenly appears...
Jerker Beckman, Tomas Stark // Schweden // 2013 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
An old tape recording carries intimate memories and the process of recording turns into a healing ritual needed to move on.
Markus Muthig // Deutschland // 2014 // 04:16 min
interfilm 2014
The sounds of the U-Bahn and the underground noise as the original soundtrack of life in Berlin.
Christos NIKOU // Griechenland // 2012 // 11:30 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
A man. A woman. In a car. Fastened. Immobile. Blood. Silence. Can you open the door and get out?
Orsi Nagypal // Bosnien und Herzegowina // 2013 // 18:00 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
On the run from a midlife crisis and crumbling marriage, a Bosnian man places his hopes on an unknown relationship - with his car's navigation system.
Sanne Vogel // Niederlande // 2013 // 10:00 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
In a fit of adolescent passion he signs up for an online date. Excitement turns into surprise: He had pictured his date differently.
Christoph Doering // Deutschland // 1988 // 12:35 min
interfilm 2014Experimental, Short Fiction
An experimental film that plays with and merges the formats of video, film and television.
Jörg Buttgereit // Deutschland // 1986 // 01:25 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
Lisan Tibodo // Deutschland // 1986 // 03:49 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
Maja KEKONIUS // Schweden // 2013 // 12:33 min
interfilm 2014
L'Europe Modern is based on the access and freedom of movement one possesses as white Scandinavian middle class.
Nino Christen // Schweiz // 2014 // 06:30 min
interfilm 2014Animation
Life is good on an island, living on the edge of the woods. When noise invades this little paradise one day, everything changes.
Nassmah Roshdy // Ägypten // 2013 // 03:18 min
interfilm 2014Animation
Darwish only survived the war by chance, which turned him into a dice player who relies on luck alone.
Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka // Frankreich // 2013 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2014Animation
A young woman touches herself and a beast emerges from her passion. They wrestle in a forest of emotion.
Manuel Gomez // Belgien // 1986 // 07:00 min
interfilm 2014Animation
A romance in old Brussels. Inspired by the painting. 'The 7 Deadly Sins'.
Blanca Aguerre // Mexiko // 2004 // 10:00 min
interfilm 2014Animation, Documentary
Tomato plantations, child labour and exploitation in Mexico - the winner of the Berlin festival ###Stadt Land Food### will be shown out of competition as part of Green Screen.
Nicolas LEBRUN, François GOETGHEBEUR // Frankreich // 2014 // 13:57 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
Although there is really only one sort of music, ###THE music###, Tom and Vilma are on the lookout for a new kind.
Eric Montchaud // Frankreich // 2014 // 05:47 min
interfilm 2014Animation
No matter where he goes, Anatole always drags his little saucepan around with him. Unfortunately, this doesn't make his life any easier.
Pierre Minot // Frankreich // 1998 // 07:00 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
Normandy, 1910. A bourgeois family is about to pose for an official family portrait. What happens when their facade of dignity and propriety begins to crack?
Yacine Sersar // Frankreich // 2014 // 10:00 min
interfilm 2014Short Fiction
Waiting in a supermarket queue can be a real torture...
Roberto Catani // Italien // 2013 // 07:30 min
interfilm 2014 interfilm 2016Some say that school isn't the right place for daydreaming, but nobody said anything about psychedelic trips.
Dieter Deswarte // Russische Föderation // 2013 // 19:00 min
interfilm 2014Documentary
Lada devotees and critics alike report back on the daily joys and hassles of driving the Russian motor industry's classic car.