Fabian Kaiser // Schweiz // 2014 // 10:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
Nameless men in oxygen masks prepare for disaster. Take a deep breath, then go!
Robert Bradbrook // England // 2014 // 17:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
Mobility and commercial efficiency: Intensive road improvements can mean the demise of natural resources. Here the example of bridge construction on a lonely island.
Stephen W. Martin // Kanada // 2015 // 16:40 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
Milton Mulberry is a mortician who discovers that even death cannot hinder true love.
Bruno Tondeur // Belgien // 2014 // 07:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
Brendon's finally got his first intergalactic mission:. He's supposed to find an intelligent species.
Douwe Dijkstra // Niederlande // 2014 // 12:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation, Short Fiction, Experimental
War at the breakfast table. Coffee is consumed while the world burns.
Sare Shafipour // Deutschland, Iran // 2014 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
The story of the entangled fates of a woman and an old, majestic tree, both forced to endure war.
Sacha Feiner // Belgien // 2015 // 14:30 min
interfilm 2015Animation
For the young, two-headed protagonist of this film, the world comprises a labyrinthian network of stairways, corridors, and doorways. Things can?t stay this way forever.
Nicola Piovesan // Italien // 2014 // 20:00 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2016When his girlfriend dumps him, Vicenzo begins a zany journey through the galaxy that might just end in an interview with God.
Stefan Kriekhaus // Deutschland // 2013 // 14:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
Tommy is just starting his first job in the film industry: He's supposed to close a road in the middle of the French countryside.
Nassos Vakalis // Griechenland // 2014 // 10:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
An allegory of modern capitalism in which a chosen few enjoy a decadent feast while others get only the leftovers.
Christophe M. Saber // Schweiz // 2014 // 11:30 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2016Short Fiction
One moment of anger and a father who loses his temper become the prerequisites for a collision of individual, family, and socially motivated violence in a late-night supermarket.
Christine Yuan // England, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2015 // 13:00 min
interfilm 2015Experimental, Short Fiction
The search for intimacy and empowerment drives a 17-year-old girl through the surreal purgatory from Chinese mythology?Diyu.
Adam Kosh // Kanada // 2014 // 17:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
On the evening of her 14th birthday, Beatrice convinces big sister Fanny to take her along to a party. Once there, she is confronted with the reality of Fanny's lifestyle.
Justin S. Lee // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2014 // 14:00 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2017Short Fiction
A young drone pilot endangers his mission when he develops feelings for his target on the other side of the world.
Bartosz Kedzierski // Polen // 2014 // 13:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
As an elderly couple, these seniors have created a pleasant everyday life, yet dealing with the loss of their child remains a struggle.
Pascal Plante // Kanada // 2015 // 06:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
Everyone ages. Even punk rockers.
Nina Gantz // // 2015 // 09:30 min
interfilm 2015Animation
Standing on the shore of a lake and feeling lonely , Edmund travels back in time, searching for the moments that have made him what he is today.
Salvatore Restivo, Lucio Schiavon // Italien // 2015 // 15:00 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2016Animation
Gabriele Bortolozzo is a modern hero in a fight against the toxic waste produced by Petrolchimico in Marghara, a chemicals plant near Venice.
Alvaro Gimenez Sarmiento // Spanien // 2014 // 17:00 min
interfilm 2015Documentary
Elena Asins has resided for over 20 years in the small village of Azpirotz in northeast Navarra. There, she's become one of the most significant representatives of the contemporary Spanish art scene.
Chintis Lundgren // Estland // 2015 // 11:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
Herman H. Rott is a rat and a punk. One morning he comes to the attention of a cat who promptly moves in with him.
Emma Thorsander // Schweden // 2014 // 13:30 min
interfilm 2015Animation, Documentary
Abortion is a taboo theme that is too often avoided. Here five women describe their very personal experiences.
Gianguido Spinelli // Frankreich // 2015 // 12:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
A cell phone rings, a man wakes up. If he doesn't want to get caught, he has to hurry.
Koen de Mol, Rick Franssen, Olivier Ballast // Niederlande // 2013 // 05:20 min
interfilm 2015Animation, Experimental
Set in the internal storm of a drug-overdose, Endtrip portrays a descent into the depths of the unconscious.