Álex Juliá Rich // Spanien // 2014 // 20:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
Paul's life is all about vinyls, but when he gets his fingers on a particular record, everything changes.
Rungano Nyoni, Hamy Ramezan // Finnland, Dänemark // 2014 // 13:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
A woman seeks police protection from her abusive husband. Because she speaks no Danish, a translator helps out. In the gap between languages, a fate is decided.
Tommaso Sacconi // Italien // 2015 // 13:30 min
interfilm 2015 KUKI 2016Documentary
###Lite Feet### developed in Harlem and the Bronx in the 90s. The portrait of a dance style.
Nick Marchant // England // 2014 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2015Experimental
A nameless woman on a search: Sound carries memory, moving through both time and space.
Jarred Davidson // Taiwan // 2014 // 05:30 min
interfilm 2015Experimental
Love for a balloon is not everlasting.
Dan Hodgson // England // 2014 // 06:30 min
interfilm 2015
Passion, erotic, desire, but just then her boyfriend comes home?
Philipp Goeser // Deutschland // 2013 // 04:20 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction, Music Video Clip
A person moving through the illuminated urban canyons of the Berlin night.
Cardin Phua // Malaysia // 2014 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction, Experimental
When animals take their revenge, the end of human domination is near.
Julius Siciunas // Litauen // 2014 // 05:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
At one point, they were in love: The everyday life of an aging couple living in the country ends abruptly.
Michaela Pavlátová // Tschechische Republik // 2014 // 05:00 min
interfilm 2015Animation
Inspired by Thomas Mann?s novella - when a magician comes to town, people begin to see things differently.
Abigail Zealey Bess // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2014 // 16:50 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
After their first sound film flops, Mary Pickford and Louise Brooks vow never to make another film.
VNA - Verbal Riot & Acoustic View // Deutschland // 2007 // 04:20 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2008Berlin is the lovliest city on Earth, regardless of stress, pollution, social extremes and yuppiedom. The VNA crew communicate their love/hate relationship with the capital in a poignantly rapped hymn.
Iryna Solovy // Frankreich // 2014 // 03:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
The way to the heart may be through the stomach but things end up in the bedroom?
Nieto // Frankreich // 2013 // 03:45 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
After kitty sets the tone, the fleas join in with beatbox sounds. Everything, of course, viewed through a microscope.
Simao Cayatte // Portugal // 2014 // 15:00 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
The wish to become famous turns into a dangerous obsession for a teenage girl.
Mark Lomond, Fluorescent Hill // Kanada // 2014 // 06:10 min
interfilm 2015Animation, Experimental, Short Fiction
With a retro look and in documentary style, the migration patterns of a very special species are examined here.
Jasper Meiners, Leonard Bahro // Deutschland // 2014 // 08:00 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2016Computeranimation
As a sandbox game, Minecraft offers room for the craziest story lines. Even an adaptation of Lars von Trier's Melancholia.
Yaya Xu // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2014 // 04:30 min
interfilm 2015 interfilm 2017Animation
All we experience becomes irrevocably part of us. For the creature we accompany here, the phenomenon is physical.
Tao Jiang // China // 2015 // 07:00 min
interfilm 2015Computeranimation, Animation
A man gives his friend a camera to take on his journey so that they can keep in touch, but not all life experiences can be shown on a monitor.
Caroline Monnet // Kanada // 2015 // 04:00 min
interfilm 2015Experimental
Native Americans played a significant role in the construction of many elaborate and prestigious architectural objects, a contribution too easily overlooked.
Milad Alami // Dänemark, Schweden // 2014 // 12:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
A young mother, a daughter, and a wild party night become the points of reference for a story about broken family relationships and dysfunctional social structures.
Evelyn Lambart, Norman McLaren // Kanada // 1965 // 05:40 min
interfilm 2015Animation, Experimental
A small, moving square undergoing constant division eventually creates a series of continually transforming mosaics.
Mike Green // Australien // 2014 // 14:30 min
interfilm 2015Short Fiction
The only way for this protagonist to escape her abusive husband is to turn her daughter into her accomplice. Based on a true story.