INTERFILM 37 International Short Film Festival Berlin
16 - 21 November 2021

Get involved!

Support young, innovative short films from all around the globe and film culture in Berlin!

  • Become a patron for a program, a section or a venue of the festival.

  • Donate an award between 1.000€ - 3.0000€ in cash or an in-kind service of your company (worth up to 10.000€) for  international filmmakers.

  • Support the festival with products or other services. 

interfilm offers a platform of representation in different media and formats to market your company towards a young, local as well as international audience. 

We are happy to provide more information and a portfolio (incl. an overview of the advertisment possibilities). 

Sponsorship contact:
Sarah Dombrink

Festival Impressions & Overview











  • 21,000 audience
  • 120 screenings in 6 days
  • 8 venues
  • 700 accredited guests from 90 countries
  • 40 accredited journalists
  • 19+k FB / 2+k IG / 8+K Twitter