35. Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Berlin 2019
5. - 10. November 2019

Internationaler Wettbewerb

Trailer International Competition

Trailer Animation Programs

Trailer Confrontations Programs

Der internationale Wettbewerb ist traditionell das Herzstück unseres Festivals. Über 6000 Einreichungen verdichten sich hier zu 10 Programmen vollgepackt mit den Diamanten des internationalen Kurzfilmschaffens der letzten zwei Jahre. Animation auf höchstem Niveau, Exzellenz in filmischem Erzählen und insgesamt 3 Programme speziell zu Menschenrechtsthemen lassen jedes cineastische Herz höher schlagen.

10 Programme

Animated 1- Squaring the Circle

IC 01 Animated 1- Squaring the Circle


07.11.19, 17:30h, Babylon 1

09.11.19, 15:30h, Babylon 1

10.11.19, 20:00h, Babylon 3

Animated 2 - Facing It

IC 02 Animated 2 - Facing It


07.11.19, 20:00h, Rollberg Kino

08.11.19, 13:30h, Babylon 1

10.11.19, 17:30h, Babylon 1

Passion or Pleasure

IC 03 Passion or Pleasure


07.11.19, 21:00h, ACUD Kino

08.11.19, 17:30h, Babylon 1

09.11.19, 19:30h, Babylon 1

Human Absurdities

IC 04 Human Absurdities


06.11.19, 21:30h, Babylon 1

08.11.19, 15:30h, Babylon 1

09.11.19, 19:00h, ACUD Kino

Twists & Detours

IC 05 Twists & Detours


07.11.19, 19:30h, Babylon 1

08.11.19, 21:00h, ACUD Kino

09.11.19, 13:30h, Babylon 1

Survival Skills

IC 06 Survival Skills


06.11.19, 15:30h, Babylon 1

08.11.19, 21:30h, Babylon 1

10.11.19, 18:00h, Rollberg Kino

Together Apart

IC 07 Together Apart


07.11.19, 13:30h, Babylon 1

09.11.19, 21:30h, Babylon 1

10.11.19, 18:00h, Babylon 3


Berlin-Brandenburg Short Award - Best Film 6000,- €
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Best Live Action 3.000,- €
25p cine support
The prize-winning film will qualify for consideration in the
Short Film Category of the Annual Academy Awards® without
the standard theatrical run, provided that the film otherwise
complies with the Academy rules.
Beste Animation
Best Animation 3.000,- €
SAE Institute
The prize-winning film will qualify for consideration in the
Short Film Category of the Annual Academy Awards® without
the standard theatrical run, provided that the film otherwise
complies with the Academy rules.
Best Camera 5.000,- € Postproduktion
D-Facto Motion
Best Sound Design 600,- €
Ableton Live 10 Suite
1. & 2. Prize Confrontations Competition 2.000,- € & 1.000,- €
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung