Special Mentions
Have a Nice Dog!
Jalal Maghout // Germany, Syria // 2020 // 13:14 min - International Competition 6
Jury Statement
This film shows a man falling into depression in a country at war. The only way to escape this violence is to obtain a visa which he resists, but his mental state gets worse and worse. It is only when he sees his dog destroy his favorite toy that he decides to flee, to save himself. This story comes to life with an impressive blend of media and especially with 2D sketch drawings overlaid on exaggerated CGI models. The technique defamiliarizes the sense of movement and the editing of the film is also brilliant: The Special Mention goes to Have a Nice Dog! by Jalal Maghout from Germany, Syria.
Jing An Hung // Taiwan // 2019 // 19:00 min - International Competition 8
Jury Statement
A tender portrayal of a man and his daughter facing the reality of climate change, living in a dying city. Addressing an urgent societal problem all over the world through the lens of a family conflict and thus making it relatable to us as an audience the Special Mention goes to Tilapia by Jing An Hung from Taiwan.
Special Mention
The Train Station
Lyana Patrick // Canada // 2020 // 02:08 min - International Competition 1
Jury Statement
The importance of small acts of resistance against continuous oppression and erasing of culture. It all started with our mother tongue.
Special Mention
Oro Rojo /Red Gold
Carme Gomila // Spain // 2021 // 12:00 min - Documentary Competition 2
Jury Statement
Based on the accusations of Moroccan women who pick strawberries as seasonal workers in dire conditions in the Spanish province of Huelva, a multi-voiced intersectional story is developed in a reductive papercut animation that sharpens the focus on the story. We as viewers are thus implicated as consumers, placed at the center of the field of tension and forced to think about its contexts and modes of action: Migration politics, sexism, struggles against the extractivism of the global North in the global South, racialized capitalism, and the need for situated alliances.
Special Mention
Hurenkind & Schusterjunge / Widow & Orphan
Niklas Pollmann // Austria, Germany, England // 2021 // 14:30 min - German Competition 1
Jury Statement
Mit zitternden Bildern und bebenden Stimmen erschließen sich langsam die zwei miteinander verwobenen und doch so fernen Biografien von Hurenkind und Schusterjunge. In der Typografie sind es Satzfehler, welche den Leserhythmus stören. Jeder unvollkommen auf seiner Seite. Wartend auf der Nächsten, sein Gegenstück zu finden. Poetisch und gleichzeitig naturalistisch erzählt Niklas Pollmann von zwei zurückgewiesenen Menschen, welche in den resonanzlosen Raum ihrer Telefone sprechen. Sich sehnend nach Verbundenheit, Akzeptanz und Verständnis für das eigene so widersprüchliche Ich. Und am Ende ist da dieser Zettel. Ein kleines Zeichen, dass wir vielleicht doch gar nicht so allein sind, wie es uns manchmal scheint? Die Lobende Erwähnung im Deutschen Wettbewerb geht an Hurenkind & Schusterjunge von Niklas Pollmann, Austria, Germany, England, 2021.