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interfilm 2018

PA 02 Big Data

Edward Snowden’s biggest concern wasn’t whether he would be arrested and convicted, but rather whether his revelations would not make a ripple. Not only is personal data continuing to be mined, the situation has even reached new heights with attempts being made to meddle in elections and manipulate social scores. Governments and society in general are confronted with huge changes in the 21st century, resembling the First and Second Industrial Revolutions in their scope. BIG DATA, a discussion with experts centering on the smart new world, autonomy, and the end of privacy.


Solana Larsen // Mozilla

Ingo Dachwitz // netzpolitik.org

Brenda Lien // filmmaker, director of "Call of Comfort"

Igor Simic // filmmaker, director of "Melancholic Drone"​​​​​​​