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interfilm 2019

FT 05 #Roma4Life - Premiere and Discussion

Everyone seems to have an image of “them”, yet to this day genuine encounters remain rare: Sinti and Roma were oppressed for centuries, and marked for total extermination under the Nazis. For this reason too, the title of this year’s Europe Unknown section is a testament to resilience and at the same time an invitation: let us come together to witness the stories that the Roma, Europe’s largest minority group, has to tell us – on both sides of the camera.

Following the first screening on Wednesday 06.11.2019, a film talk will take place at the cinema in the Königsstadt.

Curated by Hamze Bytyci (RomaTrial e.V. / AKE DIKHEA?)

In cooperation with RomaTrial e.V. and AKE DIKHEA?