The Global Challenge
Yatri N. Niehaus // Deutschland // 2014 // 01:00 min
Comedy, Fake Doku
Invest now before the ice melts!
Sol Friedman // Kanada // 2014 // 06:00 min
The tale of Noah's ark unmasked? A darkly humorous new approach to an old story.
Peter Altmann // Deutschland // 2015 // 02:00 min
Short Fiction
Burglary, theft, and destruction are illegal. What goes for us should also go for global agricultural concerns.
Alyx Duncan // Neuseeland // 2014 // 09:30 min
Short Fiction, Animation
The dreams of a man who's spent his life on the sea turn to nightmarish tales of oceanic pollution.
Esteban Azuela // Kanada, Mexiko // 2015 // 01:30 min
Kids explain the world. Today? The corruption and irresponsibility of oil concerns.
Chris Perry // Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika // 2014 // 09:00 min
In a world of agricultural totalitarianism, an apple seed can become the hope of a new beginning.
Uli Streckenbach // Deutschland // 2015 // 04:00 min
Fertile soil is the basis of human survival; but this remains true only if the soil remains fertile.
Olivier Mamet // Australien // 2013 // 04:00 min
Experimental, Short Fiction, Short Fiction
Today Africa, tomorrow the world?What if it came to an outbreak?
Salvatore Restivo, Lucio Schiavon // Italien // 2015 // 15:00 min
Gabriele Bortolozzo is a modern hero in a fight against the toxic waste produced by Petrolchimico in Marghara, a chemicals plant near Venice.
Sohel Mohammad Rana // Bangladesch // 2014 // 02:30 min
Water is life, but it's becoming scarce. The simple observation of a community well pump brings the point home.
Jean-Paul Frenay // Belgien // 2015 // 08:30 min
Contemporary culture in a series of still lifes: intersections of society, technology and human experience.
Dadomani // Italien // 2015 // 03:00 min
Sometimes you just get stuck, even though there's technically a way out.
Robert Bradbrook // England // 2014 // 17:00 min
Mobility and commercial efficiency: Intensive road improvements can mean the demise of natural resources. Here the example of bridge construction on a lonely island.